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32 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hello. I am 6’1” 175-180 lbs depending on the day and I’ve been riding on a 162 burton custom. I don’t hit the park at all but will hit a jump here and there. I find my board a little tougher maneuver when going through trees and in general it’s a lot to whip around when carving. I’ve been looking at getting a 158 wide burton custom because i think it’ll be easier to maneuver. Is that a good choice?

    • For your weight/height, the 162 is definitely a bigger board, so it makes sense that it is more work getting it through the trees. A 158 will be a lot more manoeuvrable, though if you don’t absolutely need a wide board, I would get a regular width if possible. It all depends on your boots though, what size do you wear?

  2. Hi Lachlan, Thanks for your reviews.

    I’m a 5’6″ 70kg high intermediate rider from Australia looking to buy a new board.

    I primarily ride groomers/tree runs but am also looking to work on my freestyle riding a bit (flatground tricks, jumps off sidehits but no plans for rails). I also want the board to be great for carving and have decent edge hold for the icy conditions we tend to get in Australia. At this stage I’m tossing up between the Capita Mercury (153cm) and the Capita Asymulator (152cm).

    I demo’d the Never Summer Prototype 2 last season and really enjoyed the asymetric side cut hence why I’m considering the Asymulator but am a hesistant because I hear it’s not that stable at speed. However I also read that the Mercury can be quite aggressive so can be a bit more work than the asymulator when you want to ride slow and take it easy.

    Do you have any thoughts and recommendations about my choice of boards? Or is there another board you’d recommend altogether?


    • Thanks! Both the Capita Asymulator and Mercury are going to be good choices, but I would choose the Asymulator for the type of riding you are looking to do. The Mercury is a decent notch stiffer, and it takes much more effort to butter, though it does feel more stable.

      I wouldn’t worry about the Asymulator not being stable at speed, I found it to be quite good even though I was riding it shorter than normal – the regular camber keeps everything stable and still gives it decent pop. Another option that is almost the same (except not asym) is the DOA/Defenders of awesome, which is a great option, that I think it a bit cheaper as well.

      • Sweet, thanks for the advice Lachlan. Going to lock in the pre-order for the Asymulator with my local snowboard shop now!

  3. Dear SnowboardRobot,

    I’m currently riding a Nitro Beast 155 for my first setup with Nitro Team boots & Nitro Team Pro bindings.
    Although the board was great for learning how to carve, now that I’m exploring the tiny jumps and boxes in the park and butters it feels to stiff. Like I have to lean my entire body over the board to get it to lift just a tiny bit. (I’m 178 cm 56KG with size 9.5 boots).

    I’m looking at getting a new board and saw you reviewed 2 of them!
    Capita Asymulator 152
    Nitro Team 152
    Nitro T1 149 / 152
    Capita Scott Stevens Pro 151 / 153.

    I’ve tested all four of them but in different sizes like the Team 159 and DOA 156, T1 152, STP 155.

    Kind regards,

    • Yeah the Beast is really stiff, I think that you would probably find the Asymulator/DOA the best match for the riding you are going to do. Still with enough camber to give you good edge hold and pop (not as much as the Beast though) they would be my choice if I was starting to ride a bit more park. What was the best one you tested?

  4. Hey, currently stuck between two boards. 2021 Capita Mercury and the 2021 jones mountain twin. I’m 5’10” 155lbs and a size 9.5-10 boot. Looking for a fast charger for carving on groomers, powder, side hits and jumps. Looking at the 157 in both, sound right for my specs and interest? Which board would you pick as a one the one board to rule it all?

    • They are so similar in specs, but I bought (and liked) the Capita Mercury more. It was definitely a notch stiffer than the Mountain Twin, so I was able to ride in riskier situations and still feel like the board would hold it all together for me. Though other than the flex difference that I felt (I think both brands rate them at around a 6-7/10 each) I would still be really happy on a Mountain Twin.

  5. Any thoughts on the Dancehaul vs Mercury? I need a do everything board that is still fun playful. I ride tight trees in pow. Love carving on groomers, small jumps and side hits, and 50/50 on boxes. Also got into hiking for pow last couple of years. I may ride all those conditions in one day because my home resort is so small.

  6. Looking for a good board size to go with. I have had a 163 board and the wrong size boots since 2003. Just realized in Jan 2020 that I need to be in a 9.5 size boot now I need to find the right board. I am 5’8 245 but have worked with the 163 board for years. Picked up a cheap promo 158 board for $20 last Jan all befor the virus. Now I want to get a real board so I can enjoy the sport a lot more.
    I knwo what the charts say about my height to weight ratio but I have been told by many the 163 is way too long for my height. I am mostly an open mountain and powder boy, probably because I was not in the right equipment so I was not confident in the park or trees. So, any suggestiosn would be greatly appreciated.


    • Hi Ed,

      I think that there will be a good mix in balancing the size of the board between your height and weight – the main thing that the weight range keeps consistent is the flex of the board. If you are over the weight range, it will feel softer to you, so I would look at getting a board that is on the stiffer side, but will probably feel medium or medium stiff to you.

      I would look at the Salomon Ultimate Ride 2021 (not the 2020 or earlier) and the Nitro Woodcarver for your style of riding.

      Both are on the stiffer flexing side, but the main thing that will work for your style of riding is the stiffer tail, with a setback stance and some taper, so they will float in deeper snow, and turn smoothly and easily on groomers. Seeing that you are used to a big 163, these will feel like no work at all, you will be able to get a ton out of them without having to put in as much work as a 163 would need. Also the shorter length will make them easier to move around in tighter trees.

      I would keep it around 158/159cm, they will still be stable and stiff enough, but easier to move around.

      There are plenty of options, but those would be the top 2 that come to mind.

  7. Hey Lachy,

    What’s your height and weight?
    I’m looking at the Capita Mercury in 157. Any reason I should be looking at it in 155 you think? Combined with union force bindings and 32 lashed boots. Looking for an all mountain board for conditions from December to March in California and good powder in Utah. Colorado and Montana coming up as well. Not much of a park rider but love side hits and small jumps, carving groomers and untouched trees. Basically looking to ride like you in the Mercury review video. Getting off a morrow fury 155.

    I’m 5’11” 160 pounds size 11 boot


    • Hey,

      I’m 6 foot tall, 155lbs, so we are pretty similar. I chose the 157 so that it would have better float in powder, and I planned on using it as my all-mountain/powder board.
      The 155 would definitely been my first pick if I wanted one board to do everything, including riding in the park, but I ride the 157 on rails now without any issues.

      With size 11 boots, it is probably going to be best to go for the 157, just so you have all the width you can get for boots that size.

  8. Hi Lachy,
    Love your reviews! I’m 5’10” and 176lbs, size 9.5 boots. I currently ride the Nitro Woodcarver 159, which I love. Perfect size for me and have no problems handling it. I’m very interested in getting the Capita Mercury but not sure if I should get the 155 or 157. Since you’ve reviewed both, which size do you think I should go for? I’m not that into park but definitely all mountain and freeride, mostly east coast riding except for once/year west coast powder run. Thanks so much for all the great info.

    • Thanks! I would go for the 157 Mercury, if you like the 159 Woodcarver you will have no problem on the Mercury. Though the Woodcarver has really good edge hold, so don’t expect it to be as good on the Mercury.

  9. Yo Lachy,

    I’m wondering whether to get a Capita Mercury (if I can find one). I’ve been on a mid-flexing Dinosaurs will Die twin on the east coast for years now and I’ve taken it on trips west and it has actually served me well in the pow. I just find it slightly narrow and now it’s starting to lose it’s snap and stability as it’s getting old.

    On the east I often ride tight trees that need quick turning and then hit park rails/jumps when they get tracked out. I also like to bomb fast on groomers for fun. This year I’m going back to Sunshine and hitting Revelstoke for the first time for a short trip. I’ve thought about picking up a cheap second-hand pow board but can’t really rationalize only using it for a few pow days out west. I feel like the Mercury would work well out west and I could daily it back home, but I feel like it might not be the best for park.

    Any thoughts or recommendations? Keep up the rad videos!

    • Thanks Dan!

      If you can find a Mercury, I think it will be a good upgrade from what you are riding now. You’ll probably notice a lot more pop, and stability when you are riding fast. It can easily do well in powder, but if you get a really deep day I would still set it back just to make it float as well as possible.

      If you can’t get your hands on a Mercury, you could also look at a Jones Mountain Twin or Salomon Assassin as some other options.

  10. Hi Lachy,

    Thank you for putting together a lot of good stuff! I enjoy your YouTube videos as well.

    I am looking for a board 50% park 50% groomer. I live in Montreal Quebec. So I deal with iced groomer most of time. I am more into carving.

    I am 186cm 66Kg, ride 12/-12 27/6 or 36/27. I have a Burton Custom X 158W, process 152 and Custom flying V 150.

    I am looking at Never Summer proto synthesis 155.

    I would like to have your recommendations on this one. Or any other boards? I have discount with Burton, Korua shape, Never Summer, Bataleon. But I can pick other brands as well.

    Many thanks!

    • Thanks Morgan!
      The Proto Synthesis does sound like a good option, the profile (similar to Flying V but much better I think) does really well in ice and hard snow.

      The other options I would look at would be the Burton Custom Camber, or the Korua Shapes Otto. Both would have good pop or springy feel in the park, and plenty of camber for grip on really icy days. I’d be happy with any of those 3.

      • Thank you so much Sir. I appreciate your efforts, experiences and knowledge.

        I’d like to have a true twin, so I’d go with Never Summer protosynthesis.

        155 or 158, which one would you recommend? I am 186cm/66KG, Burton Ion 9.5 boots.

        Many thanks!


        • I would be leaning towards the 158 as you are pretty tall, though if you have had shorter boards before or liked a board that is easier to move around, then the 155 – both will work for your weight though.

  11. Hey Lachy,

    I am an intermediate rider looking for a new board. I’m 6ft tall, weigh about 154lbs, size 8.5 boots US. I learned most of my riding on a Rome Reverb Rocker SE board that is size 154. I think for a beginner it was a very forgiving board that helped me learn to ride with less falls – and at my current skill level I can turn the board any which I like. I really like exploring the trees and for that it’s a good board.

    However I am also getting better at carving and riding aggressively (I’m a fan of Ryan Knapton) and this board just cannot keep up. Partially the problem is that the edges are no longer sharp but I also find it difficult to generate power when carving. I read your about page and saw your riding video and I think our riding styles are very similar although I have not gotten to the point where I can do ollies/park tricks. What board would you recommend given my situation? I am not trying to break the bank and happy to buy previous years models too. I was thinking of a wide board (to help with carving) with a standard camber profile with a medium flex.

    • Hey Akshay,

      Although having a board with a wider width wouldn’t hurt, with 8.5 boots you will have tons of room to carve even on a regular width board, which is good because it keeps plenty of options open.

      I would mainly look at directional boards (even if you plan to ride switch) because I think it is much much better to have a board that works great for the 90% of the time you ride regular, and ok for the 10% you don’t.

      The two boards that first come to mind would be the Nitro Fusion and the Korua Shapes Tranny Finder.

      Both with plenty of camber, medium to medium stiff and a very nice shape/sidecut for turning and carving. Both will have a bit of a learning curve, though it will be a bigger step up for the Tranny Finder.

      Overall both boards will do great at riding wherever you want. The Tranny Finder is a bunch wider and stiffer, so expect a lot more work with size 8.5s to get it onto its edge compared to the Nitro.

      Have a look at those two and see if you think they would match what you are looking for.

      • Thank you Lachlan for the advise! I was actually considering the Jones Mountain Twin after watching your review but I will look at those two boards you recommended. How do you think they compare to the Jones MT?

        • The Mountain Twin will be a bit easier to ride than the Fusion and Tranny Finder, with the bit of spoon in the nose and tail. It is closer a “regular” twin shaped board, but I think that the Fusion will be the best option – a good step up in camber, carves really well but won’t take a ton of work to get used to.

  12. Hi Lachy,

    Your reviews are fantastic, keep up the great work.

    I currently ride a 157 Mercury which is a brilliant board no issues there. I’m looking to progress my freestyle riding and a few of the boards I’m looking at are the ride zero, huck knife, evil twin and party mod.

    Do you find the stiffness of the zero is noticeably different to your mercury? Is there much overlap between the two boards? Would you recommend it to someone trying to progress freestyle riding after that slightly more forgiving ride or do you think it’s better suited to more experienced park riders?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Thanks!

      Yeah I alternate between my Mercury and Zero a bit, but the difference is pretty big. The Zero is noticeably softer, easier to press and torsionally much easier to twist, so feels easy to move around.

      The Zero is really nice in the park, the only place that it struggles is out o the park, riding fast on chopped up/unpredictable snow, the softer flex bounces me around quite a bit. That’s where the Mercury is great, but for freestyle stuff you can’t really go past the Zero.

  13. Good evening 5’8 180-185 9.5US intermediate rider mostly resort riding groomers, corduroy, powder, and every so often through the trees. Mostly stick to greens and blues cruise around carving and slashing, also trying to become better at popping and buttering. I’ve been going back and forth with a couple boards but wanted someone’s opinion. I barely ride switch maybe 10% of the time. During my last trip I rented a capita DOA and for my riding style wasn’t impressed. Looking at the never summer shapeshifter, ride Shadowban, battaleon whatever, Rome warden, and any others you might think of. Thank you so much

    • Even with the reply on instagram I thought I would reply here just in case it can help someone else out too.

      Yeah the Shapeshifter is going to be a better match for your riding. For the odd time you ride switch, the directional shape/taper on the Shapeshifter won’t be an issue.

      The Shapeshifter will probably feel a touch stiffer than the DOA, at least while you are getting used to it, but the extra edge hold that it will have is definitely worth it.

  14. Hey mate,

    Love your videos and your matter of fact approach.

    I was wondering if you’ve tried the Never Summer Nokhu and/or if you could do a review of it?

    It seems to be the love child of the Harpoon and triple camber.

    I presently ride the NS Harpoon in a 152 and the idea of a harpoon with a bit more tail and better grip in hard pack is very tempting.

    My harpoon only just has enough spring out of a carve (when carving edge to edge) if I load it up right, and I’m worried the Nokhu may sacrifice spring/fun, for grip.

    If you won’t get the chance to review the Nokhu, I guess the question would be what differences re springing out of a carve did you notice between the Easy Rider and Harpoon?

    • Thanks, I appreciate it!

      I haven’t been on it yet, but hopefully within the next week depending on the weather. I do really like the Harpoon and the other triple camber boards I have been on (Easy Rider and Valhalla), so I am expecting to like this as well.

      The measurements of both those boards in the 152 are pretty similar, except for the sidecut. I wouldn’t expect to find a huge difference in how the tail pushed you out of a turn on those two, but we will see.
