Extend the life of your binding ratchets
If there is one part of your bindings that gets a lot of use, and is kept under constant pressure, it is your ratchets. Whatever …
Snowboarding gear from Burton’s 13 movie
Here is a list of the gear that the riders from Burton’s 13 snowboarding movie. So far it is not complete, if you know of …
Travis Rice's Snowboarding Gear
This is a list of the snowboarding gear that Travis Rice was wearing for the Red Bull Supernatural event. Jacket Quiksilver Travis Rice Hydro Jacket …
What is a jib board?
A snowboard made for jibbing (riding, bonking, tapping anything that isn’t snow) is generally a shorter, softer, twin shaped board. Basically, jibbing a lot of …
Snowboard brand logos
Here are a bunch of vector logos from some of the big snowboarding companies. Brands included are: Lib Tech, Flow, Lobster, Burton, Bataleon, Rossignol, Jones, …
Snowboarding gear from Defenders Of Awesome
Here is another post listing the gear that the riders were wearing in Capita’s Defenders of Awesome snowboard movie. Some of the graphics on the boards …
What is the difference between an extruded base and a sintered base?
There are two major types of bases used for snowboards, Extruded and Sintered. Extruded Base Extruded bases are cheaper to make, and are found on lower end boards. …
What is magnetraction?
On a regular snowboard, the sidecut is one smooth line, which give the traditional look of a snowboard. Have you ever noticed that a serrated …